Saturday, February 27, 2010

Glad to Be Here

There are days like today that I am glad to be living in the Midwest. Earthquake in Chile and tsunami warnings throughout the Pacific Ocean region and snow covering the East Coast. Here we sit with upper 30's temps and a slightly overcast day. Roads are dry and sitting idly by having a hot Americano and surfing the web.

How often do we complain about where we are living? We don't like it when it's too cold. We tell everyone when it's too hot. It would be easy to dismiss the overall "bland" days when not much is going on, but when we see hundreds or thousands of people dying due to weather related disasters, it is time to appreciate where we are.

From earthquakes to tsunamis to blizzards...yeah, I'll stop and think and thank God next time I have to shovel a few inches of snow off of the driveway. It's a small price to pay.

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