Friday, February 12, 2010

A Day of Respect

A Day of Respect will soon be here, but each day should be one of respect. It should start from the top down and despite their "apologies" to Tim Shriver, President Obama and Chief of Staff Emanuel need to stop their derogatory, degrading, and demeaning comments about children and adults who have special needs. This isn't PC, people, this is a request for respect for all human beings. And it is not only a left or right issue (Mr. Limbaugh can keep his inflammatory comment about the subject to himself, too and offer an apology), this is one of parents, siblings, family and friends who have given fully of themselves to ensure as good a life for the children and adults who cannot fully fend for themselves, nor defend themselves.

Teachers, students, politicians, citizens and people everywhere need to remember the old saying of "walk a mile in my moccasins" and get their heads out of their proverbial arses and use their brains when it comes to their use of hurtful language. It is heard from the hallways to the Beltway in America. Children and adults tend to be marginalized by society. No one is fully aware of the day-to-day struggles, details, and duties, as well as the diligence interspersed with small victories that come with our children with special needs. There is such a wide spectrum of disabilities that often people with special needs are not recognized as such. Just ask a parent of a child with autism or cerebral palsy or a multitude of other conditions about their lives. Take a few minutes to get to know them and don't forget for a minute that for each "tragic" story in the news about children that are abandoned or abused, there are thousands that are in a family or facility that provides love, compassion, care, and kindness. We must never lose sight of this and continue to diligently defend the rights, encourage the dignity and support those who have special needs and those who care for them.

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