Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Surprise Winner... To Some

Best Adapted Screenplay wasn't too difficult to pick out, William Monahan for "The Departed" was pretty much a sure bet, but then again so was "Cars" at least according to the critics. The surprise winner to all who thought "Pan's Labryinth" would win best Foreign Language Film...welcome to Germany's "The Lives of Others." Even a squirrel finds an acorn in the winter once in a while. Jerry Seinfeld is trying to make funny right now. Ellen has been a little too earnest in her attempt to please so far. Funniest bit, for me at least, was the song and dance routine by Jack Black, Will Ferrell, and John C. Reilly.

Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth" conveniently just won the Best Documentary Oscar. No hanging chads for this one. I understand that somewhere in Dade County people are cheering and they've decided to go completely green for Al's sake and that of our country.

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