Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sensata and Sensibility

I drive by this plant and "Bainport" every day. I feel for the employees, many of whom are friends and patients, but this has been going on with this plant, previously Honeywell, for the last decade. Friends have had to train their replacements in Mexico, India and China. The only reason this is making more news is that it is a Presidential election year and it has become a rallying point for the Democratic ticket. We are losing jobs left and right, even the Unemployment office is scheduled to be closed by our Democratic Governor Quinn, but I don't see the Reverends Jackson or Sharpton out protesting this, because it doesn't support their cause of pinning it on Romney. And while President Obama is not invested in Bain Capital, neither has he returned more than $125,000 in donations for his campaign from them either. Much like Fairgrounds Road, where "Bainport" has set up camp, this is not a one-way street.  Sensata and Sensibility  The President and Bain Capital

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