'Twas a Few Days Before Christmas
by Roland Tolliver
With all due respect to Clement C. Moore...
'Twas a few days before Christmas, and all through the town,
The shoppers were taking out credit cards and laying them down;
All of the people were out of their houses,
Except for the ones that were at their computers clicking their mouses;
Electronics, games, dolls, and books,
Movies, jewelry, and clothes filling all the crannies and nooks;
In the malls there were Santas galore,
One for each walkway, one for each store.
The children were fighting and whining and way past ready for their beds,
While visions of Game Boys, cell phones, and the latest ads still stuck in their heads;
They were pulled, pushed and dragged through just one more store,
I want this! I want that! We're hungry! We're bored!
It started in October before Halloween, all of this clatter
The decorations, the advertisements, the special sales, as if it mattered,
Shop early! Shop often! Don't worry about cash,
90 days, no payments, no interest, the money's gone in a flash.
The season has become just a blur to the eyes so it appears,
We've become enamored more with decorations and reindeer,
Than the original reason and history of our beloved St. Nick,
Now the kids know more about theWii, computers, games and joy sticks.
And we ask about the craziness and who can be blamed,
Then we pull out our credit cards and list them by name;
Now, Visa! Now, Mastercard! Now, Target and Wal-Mart!
Put it on American Express and Discovery! Put it all in the cart!
To the top of the limit! Put it on lay away, charge it all!
No cash, that's okay. Gotta have it now till the creditors call!
There is no limit that is too high,
We've got to have all of the latest or the kids will cry.
So into the house comes the latest, the greatest, all new,
Our vans and SUV's all full of toys, for mommy and daddy, too.
And then, in an instant, with our charges through the roof,
It seems like we no longer needed proof.
As I reached into my pocket, not a penny to be found,
I realized that to commercialism we've become bound.
And I thought of a baby whose birth was the start of it all,
Born not in grandeur, but in a stall.
With a Father in Heaven and one on earth,
A mother so pure and an angel foretelling His birth.
A star rose in the East and three Wise Men traveled to Bethlehem,
Gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh they brought for Him.
And now we argue over Merry Christmas! and Happy Holidays!
Is this why He came into his world? I wonder what He'd say?
Perhaps, He'd tell us there is war, famine, disease and homelessness, the world's gone berserk,
There are things to be done here on earth; Now, let's get to work!
So let's fill the churches with families and song,
At least once during the year, let's all try to get along;
Let the food pantries be filled, no cupboards be bare,
It all belongs to Him, so we all have something to share.
Let's hope that no child is left with nothing under the tree,
Open our hearts for the less fortunate so that they might see,
Why Christ belongs in the center of our festivities!
The magic of Christmas goes beyond the toys and the clothes,
It means so much more than the ribbons and bows.
We celebrate Christmas for all kinds of reasons,
But, there remains one simple reason for the Season;
A baby was born, so that we may have everlasting life,
And to bring peace, love, joy and hope during times of strife.
And so from our family to yours, as we prepare for this most Holy Night,
We wish a Blessed Christmas to all, and to all, May God keep you in His light.