Friday, December 14, 2007

Hitting a Few Wrong Notes

Parents are notoriously protective of their children in most cases. We're no different. We like to see our children succeed and shutter when they don't. There are times, though, when we have to let them succeed or fail on their own, because they do learn from their mistakes. Take a ten-year-old playing her first solo and then hitting a few off-key notes. The audience is very forgiving for one so young, but the child may only hear the sour notes and not realize that she had the wherewithal and spirit to continue on with the song and keep improving as she played.
Not everyone can sound like Charlie Parker when they first pick up the saxophone. Not even Charlie Parker sounded like him when he first started. It is amazing to me when one so young has the courage to stand in front of hundreds of people and play in the first place.
So, to all the budding musicians out there, don't let a few bad notes get you down. Keep on playing and one day, well, you just never know.

Charlie Parker: "1. Barbados - Charlie Parker
2. Ah Leu Cha - Charlie Parker
3. Constellation - Charlie Parker
4. Parker's Mood - Charlie Parker
5. Perhaps - Charlie Parker
6. Marmaduke - Charlie Parker
7. Steeplechase - Charlie Parker
8. Merry Go Round - Charlie Parker
9. Groovin' High - Charlie Parker
10. Big Foot - Charlie Parker
11. Ornithology - Charlie Parker
12. On A Slow Boat To China - Charlie Parker
13. Hot House - Charlie Parker
14. Salt Peanuts - Charlie Parker
15. Chasin' The Bird - Charlie Parker
16. Out Of Nowhere - Charlie Parker
17. How High The Moon - Charlie Parker
18. White Christmas - Charlie Parker"

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