Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thank you for your support

Thank you to Heidi Downing for her letter supporting the column in Sunday's Journal-Standard. Maybe if there are enough people complaining about the cancellation of the column or calling to support its reinstatement, the powers that be may reconsider their decision. Here is Mrs. Downing's letter:

After reading the Editor's Notebook and From the Editor (7/8/07) I became excited about the changes coming soon to The Journal-Standard. However, I noted that one of my favorite columns - For Love of Community - was missing from the paper. Is this one of the changes I wondered. I called Lori Gray only to discover that this much enjoyed column written by Dr. Tolliver has been dropped as part of your "re-envision." The purpose of my letter is to ask that you reconsider your decision. I would also encourage others who have enjoyed For Love of Community to voice their opinion by either calling Lori Gray at 815-232-0186 or writing a letter to Mr. Analore.

Heidi Downing


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