Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thanks for the Memories

Today I want to thank the readers of my column, "For the Love of Community," that is found in The Journal-Standard each Thursday. This past week I have received numerous letters thanking me for the column on Father Norbert Richter (see previous post). Your kind words and remembrances of Father Richter were so heartfelt. The pleasure I have in sharing memories and thoughts of special people in our community is well worth the time and effort to write the column each week. Of course, there is a 700 word limit for the column, so it isn't possible to always convey all of my thoughts about a person or topic. I guess that is the beauty of having another outlet for writing.

To date there are no blog sites available online through The Journal-Standard, though a recent column by one of the editors did state that they are planning on updating the website to match current trends in online news availability. It would be nice to see the paper have some of the same format as many of the major newspapers, i.e. The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, The LA Times, WSJ, or New York Times. I know that there are other small town papers that are updating their websites on a regular basis to give other voices a chance to be read.

I do see some of these changes happening in the near future. So for now, enjoy Pretzel City Logic and keep reading the column. Thanks to all of you who respond either through the written word or in person. It gives the inspiration to keep writing.

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