Saturday, February 18, 2006

He Said, She Said

There was an interesting response to this week's column about the state speech tournament. One grandparent, whose granddaughter lives in the Chicago area, decided to travel in to Oak Lawn to see her granddaughter perform in her category. I'm never quite sure how far-reaching the column is or how it affects people. Sometimes it is just one person, other times perhaps no one really cares about what is written.

I realize that the column is read by more people than are attracted to this site. Of course, the column is much more established going on 8 years. One person this past week said he appreciates that I write about issues that he feels are important. I know that others have said that I am pandering to the masses, but I think that the people who felt that way are often so much farther out of the mainstream that my writing appears to be centrist.

Oh well, I've gone throught my New Age phase, through the motivational stages, visited with Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williams, Joan Borysenko and many of the other people who have been integral parts of shaping lives in one way or another. I have found that all roads still lead home and into one's self. That, and for me, the foundation that God provides through faith, words, and deeds.

The lifestyles of the "rich and famous" often fall significantly short of the messages they are putting forth. It is one thing to speak eloquently and with great enthusiasm. It is quite another to actually lead by example, whereby a loving home environment is fostered through fidelity, love of one's children, community work, and giving of our selves through our times, talents and treasures. Yeah, I know it may sound old school, but it is through these actions that peace of mind is finally closer to reality.

I'm sure that some of the people I've met who are "leaders" in their respective fields have found that many of the same attributes guide their lives. It is often the biggest names, however, that preach success, while practicing excess. We all have our own daily challenges, but for me, at least, I couldn't handle these without a strong conviction to God, the love of family and the faith to know that without these there would be no inner strength and thus... nothing even close to peace of mind.

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