Sunday, January 15, 2006

So Much for the Big Game Rematch

Good thing I'm not a betting man. First, New England loses yesterday. Now, the Chicago Bears take it on the chin. I did worry about the Bears' chances, especially when they started talking trash during game week. There are many intangibles in sports and one of the major ones is a sense of come-uppance. The Panthers shut down the talk on the second play of the game and finished business the way they wanted to... with a trip to Seattle.

Enough football for a while. Today was the heartbreaking tribute to the 13 miners who died in the coal mine in West Virginia. There is a nice perspective written by Homer Hickam for NPR or you can read the one that I wrote for The Journal Standard. The nation's lives change with each tragedy, but we find that we go on. It will be more difficult for the miners who are scheduled to return to work in the mine where the deaths occurred.

It looks like Judge Samuel Alito will be confirmed. I recommend the column by John Kass that spoke of the reaction of Judge Alito's wife during the confirmation hearings. I puts into perspective what the spouses of the nominees must go through since the Bork and Thomas hearings have put the political scrutiny and often outright cruelty of the interrogators into the mix. Of course, it is all politics of "us vs. them" and often has less to do with a candidates qualifications and more to do with trying to break someone's spirit.

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