Terri Schindler-Schiavo has died. She was starved to death by judicial fiat. He "loving" husband was by her side, cradling her in his arms as her spirit left her body and she "peacefully completed the death process." What a load of garbage! Michael Schiavo, father of two children with his fiancee and companion for the past nine years while his "wife" lay in a hospice being deprived of rehabilitation at his request, does not make me think of compassion. Personally, he makes me feel sick to my stomach. He's probably counting forward to the day that he can remarry and start his "new life" sans Terri. What have we learned from this? That some courts and judges don't have an inkling what life is about. That a piece of paper that says a couple are married doesn't make a marriage, but can be used as a means of depriving someone of the loving care of parents and siblings who were willing to aid and comfort their daughter/sister. That those who are voiceless are less than human (how many people are actually vegetables?) and are thus disposable. Follow the story of the pediatric euthanasia doctor in the Netherlands for another view of how low we have sunk in the human race.
The Pope lays near death. Terri Schindler-Schiavo is killed. A friend dies a senseless death. The world is spinning right now with the eternal question, WHY? There must be a reason, but as of this moment I will have to keep praying that it either becomes evident or that the reasons become clearer in the future. In the meantime, I'll hug my wife, remind her that I love her and our children and have faith the God will provide for those who are grieving.
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