How do we make it in society when there are so many factors that undermine our ability to communicate with one another? It would seem that it shouldn't be that difficult to be civil. Loving, well maybe not always, though that was the intent of the Master. Do we have to like one another? Not if we find their actions or behavior reprehensibible or unacceptable. But is that most likely the case, or is it that people don't see our point of view and we label them, henceforth, "dumb, ignorant, prejudiced, stupid, ill-informed, etc., etc."? Some of the worst offensed occur within our family dynamics. Come on, even the first mention of murder in the Bible was Cain slaying Abel.
Jealousy turning to anger turning to rage. Out of control. Feelings get hurt. Physical violence and pain. The wounds heal, sometimes, but the pain lingers. The joy of recovery from making amends and coming to terms with our innate differences. "Hey you, did you come to fight? Have you come to the rescue?" asks the lyrics in Hey You by Tommy Stinson. I don't really know. I'd like to think that we are here to rescue, but what happens when someone doesn't want to be rescued or refuses to be rescued? I found that with a mother who was determined to find a way to end her life. 24 years ago, she found that way.
I find myself looking for answers again with a daughter, whom I may have mistakenly given the wrong name. My mother's. It is not a question of life and death, but a question of reconciliation and learning to live with one another. Was it fate or was it serendipity? Happy Birthday to you, my daughter! How the heck are we to know what becomes of a life? How much influence can we assert, and how much should we? Generations of struggling to decide how much? how little? how often? truth and consequences? lies and deceit? Where are the answers and what are the answers? Eternal questions and answers are there in the Bible, in the tales of our anscestors, but how do these relate to a modern society that puts the emphasis on wanting it now, getting it now, and damn the consequences. It plays on the minds of the strong, but preys on the mind of the weaker, but the lines are getting blurrier all the time.
It all goes to back to prayer and faith. Sometimes we hear the answers, but they are not the ones we want to hear, so we shut them out. I forget that it is in the silence, the pauses between the prayers, that God is often the clearest. I'll sign off now and listen for my answer.
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