Monday, June 13, 2005

What a Week!

We started out with a graduation, had a party and then went right into dog training. Shia is a beautiful yellow lab that is stealing our hearts with her grace, her charm and her intelligence. Who could ask for anything more in a lady. We have had six days of training with her. Well, my wife is doing most of the training and is now at the point where the dog is with her 24/7 for 10 straight days. In the long run, the dog will be "transferred" to Claire. I haven't had time to think about much else except for driving, entertaining children and grabbing an occasional Americano at the local Starbucks. This week is more training with more ventures into field trips and then it is time to get our oldest ready for her journey to Nashville where she starts college on June 27th. Never a dull moment. Eventually, I hope to get back to updating this site on a regular basis, but for now suffice it to say... it is time for bed.

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