Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I Guess I'm Behind the Times

I have a friend who is paralyzed. He told me about how he used to car surf when he was a teenager some thirty years. Another friend told me that her husband used to do the same thing. A friend recently lost his life doing this when he fell off of the car and suffered severe head trauma. I feel like I must be naive. I had honestly never heard of car surfing before this week. It is just something that I never thought of before I heard about the tragic accident and death of a friend. When teens do this, while not comprehensible, one can understand that teens often think that they are invincible. Adults, especially ones with a family, young children, a business, and an established life, make no sense when they decide to try the same thing. I know that I am behind the times in many of the ways of our youth, or even in the ways of the more "adventurous" of our adults, but this is one action that I don't think I will ever understand.

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