Friday, February 18, 2005

Godspeed, Dear Friend, Reuben Baumgartner

Reuben Baumgartner was one of the most important people in Freeport over the past 50 years. Whether it was as a teacher, principal, founder of Highland Community College, or his forum on global affairs, Reuben was on the forefront of education. He shared his knowledge and love of learning with our community. The beneficiaries of his educational endeavors are spread across the country. Many of these men and women have gone on to teach others, serve in the government, and develop into altrustic, citizens who contribute to our society. Reuben also was a life member of Kiwanis International, first as a member of the Freeport Kiwanis Club and then as a founding member of the Golden K Kiwanis in Freeport. He was one of the first members from Freeport to serve as the Lieutenant Governor for Division 12 of the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Kiwanis International. Mr. Baumgartner continued to contribute to our community by holding informal "current affairs" discussions with senior citizen groups in Freeport. The Reuben Baumgartner Global Affairs Forum held each year at Highland Community College has brought in stalwarts in business, government and education to discuss national and international topics. His legacy will continue to inspire those who knew him personally and those who benefit from Highland or the Freeport School District. To his son and daughter-in-law in California and to the many friends in Freeport and Northwest Illinois may you know that his influence leaves a positive and lasting impression for all of us. His passing leaves a gaping hole in the fabric of our community. God bless you, Reuben, for all that you stood for and for all of the lives that you touched over the years.

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